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Version: v7.0.0


Internationalization ( intl )

We are excited to introduce Isomorphic Multi-Language support, an enhanced version of our original Isomorphic project built with Next.js. Isomorphic brings robust internationalization ( intl ) capabilities to the table, making it easier than ever to create and maintain multilingual dashboards. See project structure.

  • We followed the Next.js official process for internationalization. You can find more details in the Next.js official documentation.

  • We are using this package for the translation: Next-Intl. This package is offering a simple and easy way to add multi-language support to your Next.js project and also recommended in Next.js official documentation. You can find more details in the Next.js official documentation.

  • The isomorphic-intl/messages directory contains the translation files. You can add more languages and translations by following the existing files.

Run Project

You can run the project in your local environment by following these Scripts.


We are not providing a full translation for the project. We are just providing a basic structure for multi-language support. You can add more languages and translations by following the existing files. And also you can add more components as you need.

Routing in ( intl )

There are some important points to consider when working with routing in internationalization. Check the src/i18n/routing.ts file. There are some components Link, redirect, usePathname & useRouter components are is being used in the project for routing. Next-Intl automatically handles the internationalization routing with locale value in the URL. In the isomorphic-intl workspace we are using these components instead of the default Next.js components.

import { createSharedPathnamesNavigation } from "next-intl/navigation";
import { defineRouting } from "next-intl/routing";

export const routing = defineRouting({
locales: ["en", "de", "es", "ar", "zh"],
defaultLocale: "en",

export const { Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter } = createSharedPathnamesNavigation(routing);
Importing in the component
import { Link } from "@/i18n/routing";