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Version: v7.0.0



Isomorphic, our versatile theme, empowers you to shape the visual identity of your website through a selection of six distinct layouts: Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron and Carbon.

How to change default layout

Isomorphic recognizes that not every project needs the Hydrogen layout as the default. If your project falls into this category and you prefer a different starting point, you're in the right place. Let's tailor your experience by changing the default layout.

Isomorphic provides a TypeScript enum called LAYOUT_OPTIONS, that encapsulates the available layout choices. A detailed documentation is available here.

Let's assume we want to turn the Helium layout into default layout.

Now, go to apps/isomorphic/src/hooks/use-layout.ts and replace LAYOUT_OPTIONS.HYDROGEN like following:

const isomorphicLayoutAtom = atom(
typeof window !== 'undefined'
? localStorage.getItem('isomorphic-layout')


Finally, go to apps/isomorphic/src/hooks/use-layout.ts and replace like following:

// 2. useLayout hook to check which layout is available
export function useLayout() {
const [layout, setLayout] = useAtom(isomorphicLayoutAtomWithPersistence);
return {
- layout: layout === null ? LAYOUT_OPTIONS.HYDROGEN : layout,

+ layout: layout === null ? LAYOUT_OPTIONS.HELIUM : layout,

Your are all set to use HELIUM layout as your default layout.


If you want to change any of the layout to default, follow the same process.